New Pokemon NDS ROM Pokemon Bloody Diamond 493 Pokemon, New Sprites, New Rival, New Moves & More!

This Game is based on Pokemon Diamond with Lots of changes included. Pokemon Bloody Platinum and Bloody Diamond is same. You can play with New rival, 12 easy starter in the beginning, new characters and more. 493 catchable Pokemon, here wild Pokemon is stronger, Gym Leader and Rival is stronger. This game you should play if you are looking for an NDS Game.


#Include 493 Catchable Pokemon
#Include 491 Pokemon you can get before Elite 4.
#Include Day and Night System (Some of Pokemon appears in day)
#Include Starter Pokemon are Charmender, Treeko and Totodile
#Include You can get Oak’s Letter Azure Flute, Member Card and PokeRadar with help of these items you can get Shaymin, Darkrai and Legendary Arceus
#Include Catch all 12 starters Pokemon very early
#Include fish more pokemon with old rod.
#Include stronger wild Pokemon
#Include stronger Gym Leader
#Include Nearly invincible Elite 4
#Include some Pokemon appears on Daytime Noctowl appears only at night
#Include Eevee as intro Pokemon
#Include More!

Name: #Pokemon Bloody Diamond

Author: #Buffy

Released Date: 25th, November 2019

Status: Completed

Language: English

Based ROM: #Pokemon Diamond

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